
Research Topics

Depth of Continental Crustal Reworking

In my research, I investigate the timing, conditions (pressure, temperature, geochemistry) and geodynamic processes associated with transformation of the deep-seated continental crust during mountain building events (orogenesis).

Investigating how deep-seated material is transformed, deformed and mobilized as it flows within the heart of active mountain belts is critical to understand how material and heat are recycled during orogenic cycles, with important implications for the persistence, stabilization and growth of continents over geologic times.

In my work, I use a multi-methods, multi-systems approach to investigate the chemical and structural relationships between minerals at various scales (from micro to macro) during metamorphism.

I study refractory rocks (e.g. mafic or aluminous rocks) in gneiss domes that have potential to preserve a more complete record fo their metamorphic history compared to their host felsic lithologies, which make up the bulk of continents, but are easily re-equilibrated at high-T, low-P conditions in the late stages of the life of an orogen.

Metamorphism & Deformation

I am fundamentally interested in the interplay between metamorphism and deformation and am particularly interested in investigating:

1 | The pressure (P) information recorded by metamorphic rocks, as lithostatic pressure fundamentally informs the depth at which metamorphic processes occur.

I am interested in investigating and applying both conventional (e.g. equilibrium thermodynamics) and more recently developed (e.g. inclusion or elastic barometry) petrological tools to investigate the relationship between stress, pressure and depth to understand the contributions of depth and deformation to P in naturally deformed rocks.

2 | New and emerging to examine the micro-structures and rock fabrics preserved in metamorphic mafic rocks

Specifically, I combine different approaches to understand the orientation and strength of alignment of fabric-defining minerals in metamorphic rocks. I investigate the ways in which the magnetic fabrics of rocks (aniosotropy of magnetic susceptibility, AMS) are related to their petrofabrics (CPO, EBSD), with the goal to develop a framework and guide for using magnetic fabrics to characterize rock fabrics and strain geometry.

Research Projects



Peer-reviewed publications

  • Hamelin, C., Whitney, D.L., Roger, F., Teyssier, C. (2022) Orogenic eclogites record relative magnitude of deep crustal flow and extent of migmatite-eclogite interaction. Lithos 434-435.

  • Jin, X., Zhang, Y., Whitney, D.L., Zhang, K.-J., Raia, N.H., Hamelin, C., Hu, J., Lu, L.,Zhou, X., Khalid, S. (2020) Crustal material recycling induced by subduction erosion and subduction-channel exhumation: A case study of central Tibet (western China) based on P–T–t paths of the eclogite-bearing Baqing metamorphic complex. Geological Society of America Bulletin. doi:10.1130/B35638.1. 

  • Whitney, D.L., Hamelin, C., Teyssier, C., Raia, N.H., Korchinski, M.S., Seaton, N.C.A., Bagley, B.C., von der Handt, A., Roger, F., Rey, P.F. (2020) Deep crustal source of gneiss dome revealed by eclogite in migmatite (Montagne Noire, French Massif Central). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38(3), 297-327. doi:10.1111/jmg.12523.

  • Hamelin, C., Brady, J.N., Cheney, J.T., Schumacher, J.C., Able, L.M., Sperry, A.J. (2018) Pseudomorphs after Lawsonite from Syros, Greece. Journal of Petrology 59(12), 2353-2384. doi:10.1093/petrology/egy099.

Conference Abstracts and Presentations

  • Hamelin, C., Whitney, D.L., Roger, F., Teyssier, C. (2022) Deep Crustal Flow Interactions During Metamorphism at Maximum Orogenic Depth. V53A-04, AGU General Assembly, Chicago, IL. Oral Presentation (Invited)

  • Hamelin, C., Biedermann, A.R., Teyssier, C, Whitney, D. (2021) Contributors to Complex Magnetic Fabrics: A Tool to Investigate the Deformation History of Metamorphosed Amphibole-Bearing Rocks. GP41A-07, AGU General Assembly, New Orleans, LA. Oral Presentation.

  • Hamelin, C., Whitney, D.L., Roger, F., Teyssier, C. (2021) Orogenic Eclogites Record Relative Magnitude of Deep Crustal Flow and Extent of Migmatite-Eclogite Interaction. V45D-0170, AGU General Assembly, New Orleans, LA. Poster Presentation

  • Whitney, D.L., Hamelin, C., Korchinski, M., Rey, P.F., Roger, F., Teyssier, C., Vervoort, JD (2021) Reconstruction of regional-scale flow paths of partially-molten crust as recorded by migmatites and eclogites. GSA Abstracts with Programs 53(6). Oral Presentation.Hamelin, C., Whitney, D.L., von der Handt, A. (2020) Symplectites in eclogite as recorders of deep crust exhumation in a migmatite dome. NC-GSA (Duluth, 2020 – held online), GSA Abstracts with Programs 52(5). Poster Presentation.

  • Taylor, J.M., Kenyon, L.M. & Hamelin, C. (2020) Outreach through Science and Art: graduate student-led interdisciplinary collaborations with community artists. NC-GSA (Duluth, 2020 –held online), GSA Abstracts with Programs 52(5) Poster Presentation.

  • Whitney, D.L., Hamelin, C., Teyssier, C., Roger, F. & Rey, P.F. (2020) Significance of variation in extent of recrystallization of zircon in orogenic eclogite. 22nd European Geological Union General Assembly, May 4-8 2020, online. EGU 2020-10658, Vienna, Austria. Oral Presentation.

  • Hamelin, C., Biedermann, A.R., Whitney, D.L., Teyssier, C. (2019) Investigating the dynamic history of crustal flow in gneiss domes using the AMS of refractory mafic rocks: a case study from the Entia dome, Central Australia. 21st European Geological Union General Assembly, April 7-12 2019, Vienna, Austria. EGU 2019-12236. Poster Presentation.

  • Hamelin, C., Biedermann, A.R., Whitney, D.L., Teyssier, C.T. (2018) A novel approach for extracting early, higher-P records from rocks overprinted at HP-LT conditions: integrating metamorphic petrology and magnetic fabrics of amphibolites exhumed in a migmatite dome. GSA Annual Meeting November 4th-7th, Indianapolis, IN. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50(6). doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-321150. Poster Presentation.

  • Teyssier, C., Whitney, DL., Hamelin, C., Raia, N., Roger, F., Rey, P.F. (2018) Zircon in eclogite tracks deep crust exhumation in a migmatite dome. GSA Annual Meeting November 4th-7th, Indianapolis, IN. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 50(6). doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-323797. Oral Presentation.

  • Hamelin, C., Whitney, D.L., Raia, N., Teyssier, C. (2018) Timing of eclogite metamorphism and relationships to dome evolution and dynamics in the Montagne Noire, France: insights from in-situ U/Pb zircon and rutile petrochronology. Petrochro2018 Summer School, Sete, France, Sep. 18-20th, 2018.

  • Brady, J.B., Spear, F.S., Hamelin, C. (2016) Illustrating mineral equilibria with interactive, web-based tools. GSA Annual Meeting September 25th-28th, Denver, CO. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 48(7). doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286085. Oral Presentation

  • Hamelin, C., Brady J.B., Cheney, J.T., Schumacher, J.C. (2015) Pseudomorphs after Lawsonite  in blueschists from Syros, Greece reveal relative element mobility. GSA Annual Meeting November 1st-4th, Baltimore, MD. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47(7), 776. Poster Presentation.

  • Hamelin, C., Baldwin, J.A., Harms, T.A., Brady, J.B. (2015) Petrography, geothermobarometry, and metamorphic history of metapelites from the Central Ruby Range, Southwest Montana. Short Contributions, KECK Geology Consortium, 28th Annual Symposium Volume, 25th April, 2015. ISBM: 528-7491.

  • Hamelin, C., Baldwin, J.A., Harms, T.A., Brady, J.B. (2015) Petrography, geothermobarometry and metamorphic history of metapelites from the Central Ruby Range, Southwest Montana. NE-GSA sectional Meeting March 23rd-25th, Bretton Woods, NH. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47(3), 92. Poster Presentation.